Website Localization SEO
Did you know that 75% of the internet users don’t use English as their main language? It’s only 25.9% of the most common languages with Chinese being 19.4%, Spanish being 7.9% and Arabic being 5.2%, according to Staista. That being said, Google has endless English content to choose from, what it is really lacking is high-quality content for languages in other regions. Now, what if you localize your website for other regions? You’ll have less search competition on search engines, thus your pages will rank higher which leads to more clicks and this leads to higher exposure eventually leading to meeting your business goals.
Why risk losing potential clients when you can play the search engine algorithms through localizing your content to boost your SEO? Let’s have a closer look below.
SEO Benefits of Website Localization
1| Increase conversion rates
According to the co-founder of MOZ, research indicates that the conversion rate will rise up to 3 times if the customers are given the information in their native language. And it’s the conversions that matter at the end of the day, isn’t it?
The classical examples of conversion rates are how many users: purchased your products through your website, subscribed to your newsletters, downloaded your brochures or contacted your team.
Now, what if a high percentage of traffic is coming from a certain country? Would you want to boost the sales in this particular country? Would you quickly know your statistics if it wasn’t for your localized website?
2| Improve user experience
The user experience influences 3 of the core search engine metrics: bounce rates, session duration and pages per session.
-High bounce rates are an indication that the users aren’t finding what they’re looking for, even worse, it’s what they’re exactly looking for but not in their preferred languages, so end up leaving your website.
-The longer the duration the user spends on your website the better, as it shows that your content is relevant to what they’re looking for and is worth interacting with.
-The higher the number of pages per session during surfing your website indicates that your content is highly engaging making them willing to further explore.
These 3 combined together: low bounce rates, long session durations and more pages per session indicate a satisfied user, thus higher search result rankings.
3| Increase exposure to new backlinks
Also, referred to as incoming links, represents another website’s traffic coming to your own website. The higher the quality and quantity of your backlinks, the better your rank in search engines.
Let’s take this example, you have a highly sophisticated article that is not frequently touched on in a certain country that you are aware of. In this case, the best thing you can do is to translate it into this country’s language to create backlinks. This will boost your website’s SEO for: the new language, the existing source language and your domain authority.
4| Enhance your domain authority
DA isn’t a metric that improves your ranking, it’s a tool that helps in evaluating the results of your digital strategies in comparison to other websites or tracks your website’s SEO strength overtime.
So, the better the user experience, the higher the conversion rates, the more the backlinks, the higher the organic traffic…the better your DA score which is beneficial for both your source language content and the new language content.
Want to glow with SEO? Leave it to the experts.
Localizing your website content and using the local keywords, will keep you among the search engine favourites, but it’s not only that:
-Google is the number 1 search engine in many countries around the world, but you must adapt to local habits. Let’s take an example, if you’re localizing content for China, you’ll need to optimise for search engines other than Google, such as Sogou or 360 Search.
-You must update your contact information where the local people can find you, this way the search engines detect your local presence, thus better website ranking.
-To get the most out of your localization efforts, your team must take care of several technical details including having your localized website versions: uploaded using several local servers to increase the site speed and be mobile friendly (both the search engines and customers prefer scrolling over a website that looks good on their phones) and several other technicalities that your localization team will need to cover.
Always take care, if you don’t translate and localize your website professionally, the results will backfire. Work with Saudisoft, the experts of website localization and multilingual SEO to transform your business and have your localized website ready to stand out in front of your competitors!