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How Can Translation Save You Millions?

Imagine making one of your company’s biggest deals by exporting machines to one of the countries whose language is different from yours. Not knowing the language regulations of the country could lead to the banning of your goods until their manuals and catalogs are translated.
This happened with one of our clients, and we saved the day by presenting one of our services and getting the job done in a record time.
We used our skills and team assisted to translate their heavy machinery catalogs that helped their ships to access the UAE’s shores.

How Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE) Service Is Efficient in Such Circumstances?

In our client’s case, it was essential to use MTPE as it is fast, accurate and fluent. MTPE saved them time and helped them overcome the customs translation obstacle. Our translators and LSPs used the MTPE approach as it combined the speed of machine translation (MT) with the learned expertise of the translators. After machine translation had been completed, a post-editor reviewed and began working on machine-translated text by revising and rewriting the translated language in order to create content that is properly understood and smoothly written.

A Case Study in the Heavy Machinery Industry Showing How to Get Over Exporting Obstacles with Translation

Background: Last year, our client reached out to us in an emergency, asking for the translation of his heavy machinery manuals which were nearly 100,000 words that required translation from English into Arabic in a few days. Translating manuals was their only obstacle to land on the UAE shores. They partnered with Saudisoft to solve this problem to finish their customs import deal.

Objective: The primary goal was to translate these manuals in a short time, high quality and accurate. So, we started searching for the best way to get the job done.

Solution: Our solution was MTPE that is perfectly tailored for their task as it is fast and post-edited by well-experienced translators.

Results: Delivering the project on date, delivering efficient translation, and accessing the lands of UAE since the company made all the regulations correctly.

The Importance of Translation in the Heavy Machinery Industry

The heavy machinery market is one of the fastest expanding markets worldwide and the translation services could help business owners and investors navigate the world smoothly.

Heavy machinery translation can increase safety and reduce the wrong use of equipment. These types of equipment might be dangerous if not properly used. Accurate translation can save human lives by translating manuals to empower people from different cultures to use heavy machinery through understanding the safety instructions totally.

One of the benefits that can be gained when translating for heavy machinery business is the improvement of efficiency. When exporting heavy machinery, some changes and customization need to be made to meet the local needs, and comply with local regulations and local standards that, if not followed, could lead later to a bigger problem.

Our Reasons to Choose MTPE for This Case

These were our reasons to choose MTPE:
1. Objectives and Goals:
• Quality: Our major aim is to improve the accuracy, natural-soundness, and contextual relevance of machine-generated translations.
• Efficiency: To create an equilibrium between the efficiency improvements afforded by machine translation and the language elegance and contextual awareness supplied by human translators.
2. The Levels of MTPE:
Two levels of MTPE exist: Light Post-Editing and Full Post-Editing. Light Post-Editing emphasizes fixing significant errors like grammar and syntax, without extensively overhauling the entirety of the translation. This level is employed to primarily conserve time and resources. Full Post-Editing, on the other hand, involves a comprehensive revision of the entire translation, encompassing major errors and the meticulous refinement of stylistic elements, terminology, and overall fluency.
3. Multiple Uses for MTPE:
MTPE is widely employed in business for translating internal documents, emails, and other communications. MTPE is a useful tool in the localization process since it ensures that software, websites, and other content are correctly modified for diverse languages and cultures.

What are The Types of Heavy Machinery Products That Require Technical Translation

Heavy machinery includes lots of types of machines and translation is essential for all of them. Some of these products are motors, pumps, turbines, and industrial machinery.
Here are some heavy machinery translation types:

1. Industrial Equipment Translation: Industrial equipment has its own set of technical words and specifications. Successful translation in this setting necessitates more than just linguistic skill; it necessitates a thorough understanding of the field. Industrial Equipment Translation bridges these linguistic gaps, allowing your company to interact effectively with a varied audience.

2. Heavy Equipment Translation: Translating heavy equipment-related content guarantees accurate representation of products across various languages, ensuring a consistent message for potential buyers. It plays a pivotal role in ensuring the proper functionality of these machines, especially in sectors like construction and industry. The importance extends to machine maintenance and repair, as precise translations are indispensable for executing critical repairs effectively.

3. Mining Equipment Translation: Energy and mining equipment are quickly developing internationally and are in high demand on a global scale. While mining equipment translation necessitates specialized industry expertise, it will help with safety documentation, marketing materials, maintenance manuals, and training manuals.

What Are the Types of Documents that Require Technical Translation in Heavy Machinery Industry

1. Product Manuals: Heavy machinery manuals translation is an investment. It guarantees that your guides are written in the language of precision, efficiency and safety.

2. Product Descriptions: Translation helps in creating a great customer journey, by removing linguistic obstacles and allowing consumers to make the right decisions. It provides a layer of accessibility and inclusivity to your products, making them appealing to a wide range of customers. It guarantees your items are noticed, understood and sought by a worldwide audience.

3. Patents: Heavy machinery patents translation is the painstaking process of translating from one language to another patent paperwork, technical specifications, and legal information relating to heavy machinery breakthroughs. It is a strategic investment in the protection of your intellectual property and the worldwide potential of your discoveries.

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