How Translation Agencies & Providers Work
The Translation/ Localization industry is huge and continues to expand not on a yearly basis, but monthly. This lucrative market draws not only reputable service providers but also dishonest individuals who may engage in outright deception or manipulate the truth.
Clients receive quotes that vary dramatically, from alarmingly low to excessively high, leaving them uncertain about the situation. How can the cost for identical services vary so significantly? Is there a possibility that someone is attempting to deceive them?
What is translation?
To comprehend the costs associated with translation, it is essential to first consider a fundamental question: what is translation? Well…
There is no universally accepted definition, and the subjective nature of creative work often leads to debates regarding quality. However, the positive aspect is that there are established best practices that are commonly adhered to within the industry, aside from a few unreliable entities, which will be addressed below.
The standard translation process goes more or less as follows:
1/ Pre-translation phase
This involves gathering files, determining which content requires translation, and which does not. It also includes assembling reference materials such as translation memories, termbases, and style guides, obtaining quotes, and selecting the appropriate translator for the task.
2/ Translation phase
This is where the actual translation occurs. A skilled bilingual professional translates the text into the target language, ensuring that it accurately conveys the meaning of the original text, often with an emphasis on elegance. Following this, there are three possible next steps:
– The translator completes the work and considers it finished, known as a “self-check”.
– The translation is reviewed by another linguist who meticulously compares it to the source text, referred to as “editing”.
– Alternatively, it may be reviewed by a different linguist who focuses solely on the target-language version, known as “proofreading”.
– Additionally, automated quality assurance checks are usually performed to identify minor errors that may be overlooked by humans, such as double spaces or missing punctuation. These checks can be conducted by the translator, editor, proofreader, or the Translation Agencies & Providers.
3/ Post-translation phase
This step involves reintegrating the translated content into its original format. For formatted documents like .docx or .pptx files, the original text must be replaced with the translation, often requiring adjustments to layout, line breaks, and fonts to ensure a polished appearance. If the content originates from software or a website, the process can become more complex, necessitating significant effort to ensure proper integration.
Not all Translation Agencies & Providers Are Alike
Some clients opt to engage freelancers directly for translation services. This approach is often suitable for straightforward tasks involving one or two languages. However, as projects expand, incorporate additional languages, or involve complex file formats, the need for Translation Agencies becomes apparent to manage the increased workload. Additionally, frequently collaborating with various freelancers or utilizing online platforms can lead to inconsistencies across projects. In contrast, agencies typically maintain resources such as translation memories, termbases, and style guides, which help ensure uniformity over time.
Some Translation Agencies & Providers will go at great lengths to make a good impression, but they really focus on factors that don’t really matter:
- They may claim to collaborate with thousands of translators to project an image of being a large organization, while they are merely freelancers rather than full-time staff.
- They might highlight ISO or other certifications, which often pertain to trivial aspects rather than actual translation quality.
- They could boast about having global offices, yet these are often just virtual locations without any on-site personnel.
- They may assert flawless quality and a multitude of satisfied clients but fail to provide genuine testimonials that include names and contact information.
Ready for exceptional language services that utilize advanced technologies and specialized knowledge? Let’s connect today!