The Sorani dialect has incorporated many Persian words into its vocabulary, particularly in formal or technical contexts. For example, "mardom", which means "people", "keshvar", which means "country", and "nezam", which means "system".
This is a grammatical structure commonly used in Persian that has been adopted by the Kurdish-language Sorani dialect. It involves linking two nouns together using the "-i" suffix to indicate possession or association. For example, "kawa-yi-mast" (kawa of the wine) or "xanû-yi-erzan" (the house of the poor).
Turkish has contributed many loanwords to the Kurmanji dialect, particularly in everyday speech. For example, "para", which means "money", "kapı", which means "door", and "şikayet", which means "complaint".
Turkish has also influenced the grammar of the Kurmanji Kurdish language, particularly in terms of sentence structure and word order. For example, the Turkish language typically places the verb at the end of the sentence, which has been adopted to some extent in Kurmanji Kurdish.
Expand into the Kurdish language market, which comprises of 30-40 million Kurdish speakers according to Indiana University Bloomington.Translation and localization to the Kurdish language will bring significant benefits to your business, as it will help you reach millions of potential customers and expand your business horizons.At Saudisoft, with over forty years of experience in localization and translation services, we can help you take advantage of this opportunity with our tested and proven experience.Contact us today to tap into the Kurdish market and maximize your reach.